Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Back At It

Well I am just wrapping up my second week of hitting the gym and watching what I eat. It has been like flipping a switch as far as motivation is concerned. One day, after eating a large amount of fast food and having my weight spike at 269, which is an all time high for me, I decided it was time to get all drastic again. So, since my children were waking up at 5:30 anyways I decided I should too and thus I was off to they gym. When I started weighing myself again I was 25.5 and 31.4% body fat. I am down to 262 which is 3.5 pounds in two weeks. All in all it as an OK start. I will try to get back to regular post as I was doing before the arrival of the baby derailed me.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Day 77 - Knee Update

On the 8th I went to visit and orthopedic doctor about my knee. He took some X-rays, did an examination and said that he believed that there was some inflamed cartilage under my knee cap and a fold in the capsule that surrounds my knee that was also inflamed. (He actually had medical names for both of these conditions but I do not remember what they were.) After going over the history of the treatment I have tried already and how effective it was, the doctor presented me with two options. 1) I could get a cortisone shot in the knee or 2) I could go in for surgery. If the cortisone shot did not work after a couple of weeks, or if in a month or two the knee flared back up, then I would need to consider the surgery.

Well, needless to say, I opted for the shot. It has been just over a week and there is definitely improvement in the knee but it is still not back to normal. I am waiting to see if it continues to get better or if levels out. After about a month if it is still the same as it is today then I will need to go back for the surgery.

I was encourage though by the doctor because he said he believed the problem to be correctable and the surgery would only put me out a couple of days. I will keep you posted on how it goes.


Calories: 2562
Weight: 253.5 lbs
Mood: Kinda indifferent and definitely tired
Total Weight Lost: 11.5 lbs since 1/1/09

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Day 76 - St Patricks Day

Today was St. Patrick's Day. For me that means Corned Beef and Cabbage for dinner. This is the kind of meal I like to call "Man Food" because it is so easy to cook. Throw the meat in the crock pot. Turn it on and eat it. Then steam the veggies about 30 minutes before you want to eat. (Actually you could probably put the veggies in the crock pot too if you do not put in too much water. However, I fill the crock pot with water to slow boil the meat)

This a great treat but the meat is pretty fatty so it is not something you can eat very often. But for this special day there is not other way to go.


Calories: 3894
Weight: 252 lbs
Mood: Doing well
Total Weight Lost: 13 lbs since 1/1/09

Monday, March 16, 2009

Day 75 - Rice Krispy Treats

I have to give a shout out to Kelley and Ethan for making Rice Krispy treats this weekend. Ethan "helped" mommy make them and they are so yummy that when I was at the store today I picked up an extra box of Rice Krispies and a bag of marshmallows so they can make some more. I think I have eaten half the batch. And they are only 90 calories a bar. Yum, Yum, Yum.


Calories: 2342
Weight: 254 lbs
Mood: Loving Rice Krispy Treats
Total Weight Lost: 11 lbs since 1/1/09

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Day 74 - Back to the Blog

Well, I have been putting it off for a while now but I think it is well past the time to start blogging again.  So her I go.  Here are some posts I have in the works for the next couple of days:

  • Finding Normal Again
  • An update on my knee
  • Doctors
For now I will just talk about where I am at in my journey.  With the birth of Eliana I gave up calorie counting and was not able to weigh myself since I was at the hospital.  Since that day I gained back 5 lbs.  I am back down to 2 lbs so I am currently at 255.5.  I have resumed my daily weigh-ins and started counting calories again. So, I guess you can say I am back on the path.  Also, Kelley has joining Weight Watchers so she can zap those baby pounds off even faster than last time (she is amazing and an inspiration to me) so we will be able to take this journey together which really is the only way it can be successfully taken.  

Well that is enough for today.  Hopefully I did not loose to many of my faithful followers during this brief blackout.  I hope to keep on track here going forward.


Calories: 2644
Weight: 255.5 lbs
Mood:  Enjoying the wacky weather and the fact that life is settling into a rhythm.
Total Weight Lost: 9.5 lbs since 1/1/09

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Day ??? - Eliana Renee

Well for anyone out there who does not know my wife delivered our baby girl, Eliana Renee, on Feb 26th at 12:20am.  She was 8lbs 12oz and is a pure bundle of joy.  

As a result of the addition to our lives I have not been tracking my weight or food consumption as well as I should.  However, I plan to start tracking again today and get back on track with my blogging.  Fortunately I have not lost a lot of ground but I have gained a few pounds.  So it is time to renew the resolve and get back on the horse.  (How many cliches can I put in one sentence) 

As far as working out I have not done so for a couple of weeks because of my knee.  The doctors appointment for my knee is next week so I report back then on what he says.


Weight: 252.5 lbs
Mood: Proud of my new baby girl.
Total Weight Lost: 12.5 lbs since 1/1/09

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Day 55 - Updates

So here are a few brief updates:

Baby - Still not here yet.

Knees - Still Hurt

Workouts - Have skipped quite a few because of my knees. Probably will start back up Thursday unless baby comes.

Food - Have been slipping here. Need to renew my resolve. Really I just need to eat more veggies.

That is it for today. Hopefully soon I will get to share some baby pics.


Calories: 3757
Weight: 252lbs
Mood: Kinda blue
Total Weight Lost: 13 lbs since 1/1/09

Monday, February 23, 2009

Day 54 - Therapy

I am not sure if it is because I am anxious for the baby to come or because there are some other factors weighing down on me but for some reason I woke up this morning extremely sore and tense as if I had been doing pull ups all night long and my back, neck and shoulders were all very tense and I had a bit of a tension headache.

If I evaluated my life and my job right now I would say that there is not really a reason I should feel stressed out but it is quite obvious from the way that my body is behaving that I am stressed.  So as a result I decided to go get a massage today.  I called my wife's chiropractic office, Rody Chiropractic, and asked if they had an opening for today. 

They did have some openings with Brianna and so I booked and appointment.  It was extremely relaxing  and she did a good job working on my back, neck and shoulders.  She had to work the pretty hard and noted that i was quite tense (which I already knew) but afterwards I felt much better.  I highly recommend her if you are in need of a massage in Puyallup.

I still had a bit of a headache an hour or two after the massage but a few Ibuprofen and the headache was gone.  It was amazing how something as simple a massage can bring so much rejuvenation.


Calories: 2693
Weight: 251.5 lbs
Mood:  Started out tense and sore but is ending a bit more relaxed.
Total Weight Lost: 13.5 lbs since 1/1/09

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Day 53 - Dinner with friends

The family got to spend the evening with some friends of ours from Pullman, WA who we knew from when we lived over there.  They have recently moved over here and it was fun to get to hang with their family.  Ethan really enjoyed playing with their kids (and their kid's toys) and did a really good job waiting patiently at the dinner table while everyone finished eating.  Over all we had a great time and some really good food.


Calories: 2882
Weight: 252 lbs
Mood: Not quite ready for the work week.
Total Weight Lost: 13 lbs since 1/1/09

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Day 52 - McDonalds

Today as Kelley and I were walking around the block with Ethan there were kids riding bikes in the street. Ethan enjoyed watching the kids play and sort of joined in on his own big wheel trike. After a while we continued around the block and Ethan looked up at us and said "more kids?" He said this while making the sign language sign for more which to us means he really wants more kids to play with.

For me this just tugged at my heart since I know that Ethan really enjoys playing with other kids but the moms of some of his friends were sick so we were not able to call them up for a play date. As a result I told Ethan that I would take him to McDonald's where could play with the other kid's at the playland.

So, later that day the family made our way to the McD's down the road a ways and Ethan engaged in some much needed kiddy social time, which for him involves chasing and being chased by the other children.

I got to load up on some very unhealthy and calorie packed food while getting a kick out of watching my son run around the indoor playground.


Calories: 4210
Weight: 251 lbs
Mood: Glad it is the weekend
Total Weight Lost: 14 lbs since 1/1/09

Friday, February 20, 2009

Day 51 - Waiting for Baby

The due date for my second child to be born is coming up fast (it is Monday) and both Kelley and I are very anxious for the big day to arrive. Actually, Kelley has alot more reason to want the big day to be over with since she has to live with another person taking up all that space in her body and making her uncomfortable, but I am also looking forward to meeting my daughter. Any day now Kelley could go into labor and that is a pretty wild and amazing thing. It is hard to imagine what that day will be like.

With Ethan she ended up being induced per the doctors orders on the day before Ethan's due date. This time the doctors are willing to let her ride it out a week or two. I am hoping that the birth happens this weekend but since neither of us have control over these things we will just have to wait for God's timing.


Calories: 2475
Weight: 251.5 lbs
Mood: Ready for baby!
Total Weight Lost: 13.5 lbs since 1/1/09

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Day 50 - Week 7 Results

Here are the results of my 7th week on the plan:

Current weight: 251.5 lbs
Weight Lost This Week: .5 lbs
Total Weight Lost: 13.5 lbs
Body Fat %: 28.8% (down 0% this week and 1.6% since 1/1/09)
Avg Calories Eaten Per Day: 3,141
Total Calories Burned: 23,737
Total Calories Eaten: 21,987
Calculated Daily Caloric Need: 3,391
# of Days I Worked Out: 2

No surprise here on the amount of weight lost. I ate a lot more calories and worked out less because of my knee.


Calories: 2639
Weight: 251.5 lbs
Mood: Ho Hum.
Total Weight Lost: 13.5 lbs since 1/1/09

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Day 49 - Biggest Loser Week 7

Here are my thoughts on last night's episode of biggest loser:

Bob went a bit overboard when he told his team to not ask for his help anymore when it comes to elimination. He wanted them to vote off Dane but they voted off Blaine. I feel this shows respect for Blaine's wishes and puts honor above game play. Though I can understand why Bob was frustrated it is a bit extreme to say you will not give advice in the future. Also it is probably not true since he likely will still give advice.

Laura showed this week that she can work hard. I think that Tara was really discouraging her partner by reinforcing the idea that she did not work as hard. It is perfectly understandable that Laura is not going to have the same endurance, strength and stamina as Tara since Tara has a whole month's advantage from being at the ranch while Laura went home. I think that Laura really does want to work hard but has a hard time keeping up with Tara.

I thought it was really fun when a bunch of the players wrestled around in the mud. I think it really shows that they are all really fun people who are not out to get one another.

It appeared the Jillian really seemed to flounder without the gym. While I would say that the weigh in proved otherwise, the workouts that Bob did outside the gym seemed far more interesting and sustainable, in a real world setting, than Jillian's workout which seem kinda boring and looked like she did not know what to do.


Calories: 2408
Weight: 252 lbs
Mood: A bit of a headache
Total Weight Lost: 13 lbs since 1/1/09

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Day 48 - Knee Update

Well, my knee is still bothering me and has been alot worse than it has been the past several months so I scheduled an appointment with an Orthopedics doctor. The appointment is not until the 10th of March but at least I took the step and made it. I will let you know how it goes when I get there.


Calories: 2774
Weight: 253 lbs
Mood: Kinda tired
Total Weight Lost: 12 lbs since 1/1/09

Monday, February 16, 2009

Day 47 - Back on the Wagon

Today I was able to keep the calories a lot closer to my 2400 goal. Other than that I had the day off and do not have much to say.


Calories: 2502
Weight: 254 lbs
Mood: Relaxed
Total Weight Lost: 11 lbs since 1/1/09

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Day 46 - A Weekend of Excess

This weekend has turned out to be a weekend of over indulgence.  It started with Fast Food Friday and my decision to get McDonald's for breakfast.  The two Sausage McMuffin's with egg for $3 had been tempting me through billboards and radio commercials and I decided to cave.  Then for lunch it was a Pita Pit Gyro and then a dinner of Kilbasa and Dorito's.  All in all the calories totaled 3679.

Then on Saturday, in celebration of my bonus and valentines day and everything else that is going on in our lives we decided that we would go out to a nice dinner.  However, a sick kid and two tired adults caused us to change our plans and we decided to do pizza instead.  Kelley found a place that makes gluten free pizza crust so she could have take out for the first time since she discovered her food allergies.  I got a Papa Murphy's pizza for myself and Ethan.  Eating 7/8 of the pizza plus my eggs and hash browns for breakfast put me at 3798 calories.  

Finally today I capped off my weekend of grease and fat with a couple of peanut butter english muffins, followed by a lunch of corn dogs and Doritos and then for dinner, since the wife had been at a baby shower all afternoon and did not want to cook we hightailed it over toApplebees where I had the Brutus bacon burger with fries and an appetizer of caso dip and chips along with two strawberry lemonades.  Today's total calories weighed in at 4085.  

Needless to say this has not been a good weekend in the epic journey I am on and I definitely need to double my resolve the rest of the week.  Hopefully this does not set me back too far for too long.   I need to hop back on the wagon and move on.


Calories: 4085
Weight: 252.5
Mood:  Enjoyed the party but it is time to get back to work.
Total Weight Lost:  12.5 since 1/1/09

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Day 45 - Tractor Tippin'

Ethan's current favorite movie is Pixar's Cars.  In this movie he likes certian scenes and has learned to skip from scene to scene using the fast forward/rewind button on the DVD player.  One of the scenes we find him watching most often is the tractor tipping scene.  

He has even begun to take his passion for this scene a step further and now, when he is playing with his own cars, he recreates the scene in his play.  He starts by putting two of his trucks or cars face to face.  Then one (or both) honks at the other. He the proceeds to make the mooing sound as the trucks flip up on their hind sides.  I find this to be very cute and enjoy watching him do it over and over.  He even tries to get me involved and so sometimes I will play along and be the tractor that tips to his honking.  It is fun to watch him grow up and begin to encorporate what he sees into his play.


Calories: 3758
Weight: 252 lbs
Mood: Why did I eat the whole pizza?  
Total Weight Lost: 13 lbs since 1/1/09

Friday, February 13, 2009

Day 44 - Bonus Check

Yesterday, while I was working through a 4 inch stack of very tedious fleet upgrade invoices and work orders, my boss came into my office and closed the door.  At first I thought he was going to tell me something bad or that they were getting ready to lay off some more workers ( a few people had been laid off recently which is kinda sad) however, instead he handed me a white envelope that looked a lot like a pay stub and said something to the effect of "I know we had talked after you had gotten [the e-mail that said no one was getting bonuses except those who had signed an agreement back in February of 08] but I talked with Brent (his boss) and him and I both agree you are doing a great job so we pulled some strings and did some groveling and here is a bonus."  This literally injected a shot of sunshine into my dreary paperwork filled day and came as a wonderful surprise.

I had pretty much assumed I would not be getting a bonus at all since A) the e-mail said you had to have a signed agreement from February, which I did not since I had only been with the company since September.  And B) my boss pretty much told me that i would not get one, which I was OK with.   Along with the bonus is some stock warrants which vest over the next few years.  

I have to say that, in this economy and in these times I am truly blessed to have received anything and all and it really helped bolster my confidence in the job that i am doing.  It is amazing how a pat on the back, some encouraging words, and something like and unexpected bonus can really bless someones day.


Calories: 3679
Weight: 249.5 lbs
Mood: Ecstatic that I got a bonus.  Whoo Hoo!!!
Total Weight Lost: 15.5 lbs since 1/1/09

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Day 43 - Week 6 Results

Here are the results of my 6th week on the plan:

Current weight: 252 lbs
Weight Lost This Week: 1 lbs
Total Weight Lost: 13 lbs
Body Fat %: 28.8% (down .3% this week and 1.6% since 1/1/09)
Avg Calories Eaten Per Day: 2,954
Total Calories Burned: 24,178
Total Calories Eaten: 20,678
Calculated Daily Caloric Need: 3,454
# of Days I Worked Out: 3

I am glad that I am down another pound and that my body fat % is dropping.  It is nice to see progress in these ways.  However, on the flip side my right knee has really been bothering me. I am looking into setting up a doctors appointment soon to get it check out by a sports medicine doctor.


Calories: 2704
Weight: 252 lbs
Mood: Glad to loose another pound.
Total Weight Lost: 13 lbs since 1/1/09

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Day 42 - Biggest Loser Week 6

Another week of the Biggest Loser sees us saying goodbye to Blaine. He seemed nice and Dane, his silent counter part, is a bit of an unknown to us since Blaine has been the spokes person for the black team. It was nice to see everyone respect his wishes to go home. So far I have enjoyed the fact that I can root for everyone on the show. They all have unique stories and it is fun to watch them go back and forth. I still don't have a favorite yet though there are a couple of folks whom I root for more than others.


Calories: 2551
Weight: 253 lbs
Mood: Really wanting my knees to feel better
Total Weight Lost: 12 lbs since 1/1/09

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Day 41 - More Knees

So my knees were still hurting this morning so I decided to not go work out. This, surprisingly, seems to be helping. Though my right knee is still bothering me it is not hurting as much. I am also taking my normal rest day tomorrow before trying back at a lighter pace on the elliptical machine on Thursday.


Calories: 3268
Weight: 253 lbs (again)
Mood: Wishing I can move past the 253 plateau.
Total Weight Lost: 12lbs since 1/1/09

Monday, February 9, 2009

Day 40 - Knees

Lately my knees have been bothering more and more.  I sprained both of the almost a year ago and the left one reached a point where it was not really bothering me at all and the right one only ached a bit.  Now the right one hurts quite a bit and the left one hurts occasionally.  I am not sure if I am just over doing it on the work outs of if there is something wrong.  I should probably go back to a doctor and have them take a look at it but I am a bit stubborn about these things.  I feel like I know what the doctor will say.

In the mean time I will just work on doing the exercises the physical therapists taught me and making sure I stretch well after working out.


Calories: 2968
Weight: 253 lbs
Mood: Wishing my knees would stop hurting.
Total weight lost: 12 lbs lost since 1/1/09

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Day 39 - Ham and Lima Bean Soup

Today I made my mom's home made Ham and Lima Bean Soup.  Beans are an excellent weight loss food because they are full of fiber and are filling.  This soup is delicious and really easy to make.


2 lbs Lima beans, soaked overnight
2 lbs Ham diced up
2 onions diced up
2 garlic cloves diced up
3 celery stalks diced up
4 carrots diced up
4 TBLS dried parsley
6 cups water
4 Cans of low sodium Chicken Broth

Combine everything in the biggest pot you own and let it simmer for as long as possible. Add the cornstarch (mixed with cold water) toward the end to thicken it up a little. This is a soup that is even better the next day or after you freeze it because it becomes really thick.


Weight: 253 lbs
Mood: Feeling fine.
Total Weight Lost: 12 lbs sionce 1/1/09

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Day 38 - Battlestar Galactica

Ok, my number 2 fan wanted some more stuff about me and the family that does not necessarily pertain to weight loss so I will try to pepper a few posts about random things in here from time to time.  (Actually it kinda helps fill the gaps in the times that there is not a lot to post about.)  So today's post is about my favorite TV show...Battlestar Galactica.


I have been an avid follower of the new Battlestar Galactica series on the SCI FI channel since the very first mini-series.  I really  think that the show offers a powerful and deep story in a wonderful sci fi setting and truly is an example of story telling excellence.  The past two weeks episodes have been some of the best to watch.  While I was all into the mystery of who the cylons were and what would they find when they got to earth, the have put that story line to rest and have really dug into what a hell hole life is in the fleet and how the characters respond to their last ray of hope being dashed and their new best chance at hope is now with the very entities that at the beginning of this epic quest were trying to wipe them out and got them into this predicament in the first place.  

The mutiny was, in my opinion, a place the show really had to explore.  It was something dark and very realistic and believable and the motives of Gaeta and his mutineers actually had alot of validity behind them but the show did an excellent job of showing that Gaeta had actually chosen the dark path to trying to get his voice to be heard by a calloused and burnt out leadership.  Even through the chaos you knew who the good and bad side was and even though Gaeta's motives are pure, his choice of Zarek to partner with set his mutiny off on the wrong path as Zarek's thirst for "justice" or revenge or to just make something happen turned deadly as his revolutionary roots shot forth anew.  

I am very happy with the ending though I truly felt sorry for Gaeta throughout both mutiny episodes.  It was great to Adama, Tigh, Lee and Starbuck kicking butt and overall the episodes were in the list of my top 10.  Now that order has been restored to Galactica I am excited to see where we go from here.


Calories: 2903
Weight: 252.5 lbs
Mood: Happy it is the weekend
Total Weight Lost: 12.5 lbs since 1/1/09

Friday, February 6, 2009

Day 37 - Potluck

Today at work one of the ladies from the front office was transferring to different location. As a result there was a potluck called to celebrate. Now, at first it was not my intention to participate, and I was going to go enjoy fast food for "Fast Food Friday" however, walking up and down the hall all morning I could smell the food and as a result I found myself in the conference room with a plate full of meatballs, tacos and Doritos. At the end of the day I ended up eating far more calories than I planned but I saved myself a bit of moola. As far as not bringing anything for the potluck....I would have brought a bag of Doritos but apparently I was not the only one with that idea so at the end of the day it all worked out.


Calories: 3210
Weight: 252 lbs
Mood: Yea! Another pound bites the dust.
Total Weight Lost: 13 lbs since 1/1/09

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Day 36 - Week 5 Results

Here are the results of my 5th week on the plan:

Current weight: 253 lbs
Weight Lost This Week: 1.5 lbs
Total Weight Lost: 12 lbs
Body Fat %: 29.1% (down .1% this week and 1.3% since 1/1/09)
Avg Calories Eaten Per Day: 2,663
Total Calories Burned: 23,891
Total Calories Eaten: 18,641
Calculated Daily Caloric Need: 3,413
# of Days I Worked Out: 4

Another Good Week.  Not quite the 2 lbs I wanted but on average I am still above 2lbs a week over all.  Other than that not much else to report.


Calories: 2369
Weight: 253 lbs
Mood: Hanging In There
Total Weight Lost: 12 lbs since 1/1/09

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Day 35 - Bidgest Loser Week 5

It is about time that Joelle was voted off of the Biggest Loser.  I feel sorry for Carla that she had such a weak and pathetic partner.  I am glad that Carla is doing well at home and I hope that she is able to make her goals by the finale.  It is a real testimony to the differences between the two that Carla has lost nearly double what Joelle lost and all but 9lbs of it was at home where as Joelle has not even doubled her rather pathetic weight loss since leaving the ranch.

My favorite moment from the show, aside from seeing Joelle go home, was when Jillian got all upset at Allison for suggesting that the yellow team member who went home and only lost 2 lbs had gained muscle.  I liked it because I have seen how it is nearly impossible to gain muscle mass and loose weight.  My body fat % has changed very slowly and my lean body mass went down over the month not up (though it went down at a slower pace than the fat.)   Listen to Jillian..if you work out and you don't lose weight it is not because you are gaining muscle.

 I am also glad that the Sione one the at home weigh in.  I really like the blue team and would love to see them go all the way.  


Weight: 254.5 lbs
Mood:  Very Tired.  Ethan woke up at 4:30 this morning and I was the one who went and tried to wrangle him back into bed.
Total Weight Lost: 10.5 lbs since 1/1/09

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Day 34 - Future Posts and Cookies at Work

Thanks for the comments from all my (2) faithful readers.  I have heard you out and will try to include more personal stories and updates about what is going in my life.  For my #1 fan here is the story about the cookie (I really don't know why she want's me to post about it but here it is anyways)

Last week some time a coworker came into my office and put a box of chocolate chip cookies in my face.  I was a bit hungry and could see from the nutrition label that they were 150 calories in each one so, since I had some free calories for the day, I took one.  Now this particular coworker thought that one wasn't enough and insisted that I take more.  However, I declined, and after several threats that he would not leave my office until I took another one he finally backed down and left.

That is it.  The cookie at work story.  I probably would not have blogged about it except that my #1 fan requested it.  


Calories: 3098
Weight: 153 lbs
Mood: Full from my nice dinner out with Kelley, minus Ethan who was with his Grandparents.
Total Weight Lost: 11 lbs since 1/1/08

Monday, February 2, 2009

Day 33 - What to talk about?

I had a great idea about a blog post but I can not for the life of me remember what it was.  So, since I am having blogger's block I am putting a request out to you, my faithful, and few :-)  readers.  What are some topics you would like me write about?  Where would you like this blog to go in those periods between weekly updates and milestones?  Leave a comment and tell me what you want.


Calories: 2880
Weight: 253 lbs
Mood: At a loss for words...
Total Weight Lost: 12 lbs since 1/1/09 

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Day 32 - Measurements

It has been a whole month so I had Kelley take my measurements today.  Here they are:

  • Upper Arm:  15in  (No Change)
  • Chest: 45 3/4 in (2 in decrease)
  • Waist: 46 in (1/4 in increase)
  • Hips: 42in (3/4 in decrease)
  • Thighs: 24 1/4 in (1/8 in increase)

Interesting to say the least.  I am surprised I lost so much from my chest but gained at the waist (belly button really) 


Weight: 253 lbs
Mood: It is Superbowl Sunday and I am ready for some football!!!!
Total Weight Lost: 12 lbs since 1/1/09

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Day 31 - Renewing the Vision

I read or heard somewhere that, on average, a person needs to have their vision and purpose refreshed or they will lose focus on the goal and start to drift.  I can say that for me this statement seems to be true.  In the past I have usually started to lose the drive I have for counting calories sometime during the 2nd month.  By the 3rd month I have completely abandon the counting and the selective eating and my weight loss changes direction and begins to be come weight gain.  

With this in my in mind I am sitting down to write this post with the idea that I need to refresh in my mind the vision that I have for myself.  I am blogging daily about my weight loss journey as a way to be accountable to others.   It is my way of telling the world when I am successful and when I am not so successful.  I am losing weight because: 1) I know that I can do it. 2)  I am not a healthy weight and there is no reason why I can not be.  3) It is good for me to exercise and helps me to be a whole well rounded person and steward the body I have been given.  4) It makes me feel better about myself.

I have come a a good distance so far but I still have a long way to go. I am happy with the pace I am changing because I know that it is sustaining.  I need to keep on eating better, exercising regularly and reporting my progress so that I can live a longer and healthier life.

Thanks for reading and encouraging me on my journey because every reader and every comment helps fan the flames a little bit.


Calories: 2343
Weight: 253 lbs
Mood: Tired.  I have been really sleepy all day.
Total Weight Lost:  12 lbs since 1/1/09

Friday, January 30, 2009

Day 30 - Precision

Today is Fast Food Friday and for my free day I went to the Ram with some former co-workers of mine. One of the hardest parts of counting calories for me is figuring out how many calories are in the meals that I eat at restaurants and other peoples houses. As an accountant I have this strong desire for my daily records to be as accurate as possible. This is pretty easy when I am eating prepackaged food and even food made at home because the nutrition information is provided and portions can be measured while preparing the food.

However, at restaurants and away from home I do not have the ability to measure my food. Also at a restaurant I do not know how the food is prepared and therefore how much oil and butter were used, was it lean ground beef or 30% fat, etc. At times like these I have to make an educated guess. For some reason guessing really hangs me up. I can do it as an accountant when it comes to month end number and preparing budgets but when it comes to food I have a hard time being "close enough" I have been on previous calorie counting journeys and have been completely derailed because I did not "know for sure" how many calories I had eaten at a particular meal or restaurant.

Fortunately there are tools and websites out there to help. Fast food is by far the easiest category of restaurants since so many of the fast food restaurants publish their nutrition info online and one burrito or cheese burger is just like the next at any given fast food joint. Sit down restaurants though present a greater challenge. Some have nutrition info posted some do not. When that is the case I use a web site called NutritionData.com to build the recipe using the major ingredient. This has helped me overcome my tendency to freeze up when having to guess at calories. I am not able to eat out and know that I can rebuild my meal and get pretty close on my count, which for now is going to have to be good enough.


Calories: 2591
Weight: 254 lbs
Mood: Feeling a bit under the weather
Total Weight Lost: 11 lbs since 1/1/09

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Day 29 - Week 4 Results

Here are the results of my 4th week on the plan:

Current weight: 254.5lbs
Weight Lost This Week: .5 lbs
Total Weight Lost: 10.5 lbs
Body Fat %: 29.2% (down .7% this week and 1.2% since 1/1/09)
Avg Calories Eaten Per Day: 2,815
Total Calories Burned: 21,455
Total Calories Eaten: 19,705
Calculated Daily Caloric Need: 3,065
# of Days I Worked Out: 4

This week was a bit of a struggle.  On average I ate more than I planned to each day and I did not lose as much weight as I would have liked.  I am hoping that this is just a temporary stop on the path to a lighter me.  In the mean time I just keep soldering on.


Calories: 2,363
Weight: 254.5 lbs
Mood: Slightly discouraged that I my weight loss was only .5 lbs this week.
Total Weight Lost: 10.5 lbs since 1/1/09

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day 28 - Biggest Loser Week 4

Last night's biggest loser was another good episode. One of the more inspiring moments was when Dan ran the full time on the treadmill. I am bummed he had to go home as I personally would have preferred him to stay over the brown team. I think the brown team would have done better at home that the orange team but I am glad that Dan kept doing well at home, even though his partner was not that into it. Dan really looked good for the amount of weight he started with and I believe he will keep going to down that path. So far I am glad that there is nobody that I am rooting to be kicked off the show, I like all the contestants and enjoy watching them on their journey.


Weight: 254 lbs
Mood: A little tired
Total Weight Lost: 11 lbs since 1/1/09

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Day 27 - Another day at the office.

Not much to talk about today. Just went to work out and to the office. The day was spent working on a major project so I did not even realize I needed to eat lunch until 1:3o. Overall I can't really say it was that the day was all that exciting.


Calories: 3039
Weight: 254.5 lbs
Mood: Ho Hum
Total Weight Lost: 10.5 lbs

Monday, January 26, 2009

Day 26 - When Grueling is Good

Today was a cardio day at the Gym and my cardio of choice is the Elliptical machine. On this machine I get the most bang for my buck. It, by far, burns the most calories and is easier on my knees than the treadmill. However, today's workout seem extra arduous.

I use the Cardio setting on the machine to make sure that I get a good workout. I use a heart rate monitor to make sure I am working out in the cardio zone (though the machine does have a monitor on the handles). By using the monitor I am able to set the machine so that it keeps my heart rate at 163 beats per minute. I set the clock for a 45 minute workout which is immediately followed by a 5 minute cool down. I am able to tell how hard I am working by the number of rows that are lit up on the display panel as well as how many calories I am burning. For the first time today I made it over 1000 calories in my 50 minutes of working out, it was also the first time the resistance meter got to 5 bars and I definitely felt.

Though the workout seemed extra hard I take it as encouragement that my endurance and strength is increasing. I have to work that much hard to get and keep my heart at a 163 beats per minute. The distance and amount of time I could go at that pace is greater today than it was a couple of weeks ago and also the recovery time after the work out has shortened. Though I am no where close to running a marathon I feel good that I am making progress towards building up my strength.


Calories: 2450
Weight: 256.6 lbs
Mood: Wishing I had not eaten so much yesterday.
Total Weight Lost: 8.5 lbs since 1/1/09

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Day 25 - Overeating

Today I ate a bit more than I should have.  Mostly because I just wanted good food and was too lazy to eat good portions.  Even when I ate my dinner of potato salad and meatballs I was not that hungry but since I went to all work to make it I wanted to eat a good share, which I did.  So, bottom line is that I ate more than I should have but I want to make sure that I do not loose the vision.  This morning I was the lowest weight I have been so far which is encouraging but I also need to stay focused and make sure I keep my eating in line.


Calories: 3535
Weight: 253.5 lbs
Mood:  In need of a bit of reinvigoration
Total Weight Lost:  11.5 lbs since 1/1/08

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Day 24 - The Fever

Today I got the fever.  That it deep down burning inside that covets and drools and pines for something new.  Something shiny.  Something electronic.  Something expensive.  Yes....I went to Circuit City and I saw there the home entertainment systems for sale and I thought, "I should buy this now before the deals go away forever."  Fortunately I had my 2 year old son with me running all over the store to keep me from standing in one place too long to convince myself that I should buy the system now.  

So having gotten the fever I have reconsidered my milestone incentives and have updated them. Before I was thinking of purchasing a home entertainment system that cost about $1,200 to $1,500.  The primary feature i was looking for was the inclusion of an Internet jack so I could stream music directly to my entertainment system.  However, I have a new rule that I insist on following for electronics and that rule is that no component should more than one thing.  

The reason for this rule is simple.  I have a surround sound system that also has a DVD player in it.  The DVD player died several months ago and so the system is partially useless.  It works fine as a receiver but does not have all the external hook ups to hook up a good DVD player to get surround sound through the system.  Thus I have a really nice "stereo" instead of the fully functional system that I like.  As a result of this I have decided that the DVD player and TV and Surround Sound System all should be separate components.  

So since I have imposed this rule, the digital MP3 streaming device should also be separate from the receiver as well.  Thus I am able to get the quality of receiver that I want with a lot less money.  Without speakers I can get a really good receiver for 380 bucks at Circuit City and with the speakers I can get one for 570.  
Therefore, I have decided to ditch the portable DVD player/MP3 player goal and instead change it to a less costly home entertainment system.  I am also adding a new Blue Ray DVD player or multi disc DVD player to one of my mile stones and as the two ultimate goals I am changing them to a Flat Screen HD TV and Digital HD cable service for 1 year.  This way if I am going to spend money on high end electronics I am going to have to work hard for them but also I will be able to build the components over time.  

As far as cost is concerned well, I will have to see how that goes.  I have a budget plan worked out and it should be OK unless I just really go gang busters and knock the weight off in a couple of months (which would be great but highly unlikely)  Also I need to point out that the other side to this resolve is that I will NOT get these things until I reach my goals so if I do not make it then no HD TV.  No cable service (something we have not had since we have been married).  No super surround sound receiver.  I gotta lose it to get it.  This is how I will use the fever to get me where I want to be.  Hopefully it helps me get there faster.


Calories: 2871
Weight: 256.5 lbs
Mood: Got the fever for something expensive.
Total Weight Lost: 8.5 lbs since 1/1/08

Friday, January 23, 2009

Day 23 - Fat Zapper

A few days ago a loyal reader asked me how I track my body fat percentage.   The tool that I use to do this an body fat analyzer.  Specifically, I use the OMRON HBF-306.  You can buy one on Amazon.com, which is where I bought mine several years ago.
This one can store several peoples stats and remembers your information from one measurement to the other. It uses a body fat measurement method called bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). 

The Wikipedia entry for BIA is as follows: 

Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) is a commonly used method for estimating body composition...BIA actually determines the electrical impedance, or opposition to the flow of an electric current through body tissues which can then be used to calculate an estimate of total body water (TBW). TBW can be used to estimate fat-free body mass and, by difference with body weight, body fat.  (To read the full article click here.)

It is known that this is not the most accurate method to measure body fat (read an article here) but for me it is easy and was relatively in expensive.  The important thing to keep in mind when using this method is that you need to be consistent.  Since the amount of water in your body can change throughout a day you have to take the measurement at the same time everyday.  I measure in the morning first thing after waking up.  This works great for me because I have been inactive all night and have not had anything new to drink so my body is in it's least hydrated state.  I find that this gives me a pretty stable reading.  

I know that the body fat % given may or may not be accurate but what I am really looking for is the change from start to finish.  I want to see the body fat % drop over an extended period of time, even though it will fluctuate from day to day.  This helps me know that I am actually burning fat and not just shedding water weight and lean body mass.  The body fat analyzer is grteat a tool that I use to help me get where I want to be.  It is simply another way to tell how I am doing and as I like to say, "if you can't measure it you can't change it."


Weight: 255 lbs
Mood: Doing OK
Total Weight Lost: 10 lbs since 1/1/09

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Day 22 - Week 3 Results

Here are the results of my 3rd week on the plan:

  • Current weight: 255 lbs
  • Weight Lost This Week: 2.5 lbs
  • Total Weight Lost: 10 lbs
  • Body Fat %: 29.9% (up .4% this week and .5% since 1/1/09)
  • Avg Calories Eaten Per Day: 2,573
  • Total Calories Burned: 26,761
  • Total Calories Eaten: 18,011
  • Calculated Daily Caloric Need: 3,823
  • # of Days I Worked Out: 4
Another great week. I once again achieved my 2 lb per week goal. Also I was able to get in all my planned work outs. Thought my Body Fat % went up I am not too concerned since there are alot of variables that make that number fluctuate (see tomorrows post for more details.) Also I was able to reach a mile stone this week which is wonderful. I have been sticking with program and have turned down lots of offers for fast food at work which has been hard but I am seeing results which continues to keep me motivated.


Calories: 2439
Weight: 255 lbs
Mood: Feeling good.
Total Weight Lost: 10 lbs since 1/1/09

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day 21 - Biggest Loser Week 3

Well I do not have alot to say about last night's episode except that it is a shame that Joelle did not go home. When I said last week that game play would eventually show up I did not think it would be so soon but it was clearly evident that Jillian's team was opting to keep the weaker player around to hinder the blue team and increase their chances later. It is good the see that Damien is doing well at home.

I was disappointed that Jillian's team went back on their word. They should not have said they would vote for Joelle if that was not their intention. It is one thing to decline to comment but it is another thing entirely to say one thing and do another. Especially when, as in this case, their decision to vote off Damien would not have impacted the vote of Bob's team so there was no reason to lie. I guess the game play is back and it is hard to see one of the good players stick go home, especially knowing I am going to have to listen to more whining from Joelle next week.


Calories: 2,485
Weight: 254
Mood: Still with the program
Total Weight Lost: 11 lbs since 1/1/09

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Day 20 - 10 POUNDS!!!

Today I reached my first milestone.  

I have lost over 10 pounds since 1/1/09.  As a reward I will be buying the book Ender in Exile by Orson Scott Card.  It feels good to have made it this far and I am looking forward to the next milestone.


Calories: 2580
Weight: 254.5 lbs
Mood: Feeling Good about reaching a goal.
Total Weight Lost: 10.5 lbs since 1/1/09

Monday, January 19, 2009

Day 19 - Planning Ahead

The key to sticking to a limited number of calories is to plan ahead and stick to your plan.  By figuring out what I will eat ahead of time and spacing it out throughout the day I am able to stick to my calorie budget.  Also, I am able to make sure I eat the right kind of food at the right time of day. Carbs before a workout, protein after a workout.  Also I find that going into my morning workout with a plan of what I will do each day helps me to work out longer and achieve my goals faster.   On days when  I have no plan I find I over eat or quit a workout too early.


Calories: 2529
Weight: 256 lbs
Mood: Stickin' with it.
Total Weight Lost: 9 lbs lost since 1/1/09

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Day 18 - Carne Asada Burritos (Recipe)

A few weeks back I posted about having Carne Asada Burritos and said I would post the recipe so here it is:


Makes 4 Servings

1 can of enchilada sauce
2 cans of whole Pinto Beans
1 lb Skirt Steak 
1/4 Cup of fresh cilantro
1/2 tbls of cumin
1/2 tbls of garlic powder
2 tbls vegetable oil
2 tbls lime juice
2 cups of shredded cheese (Mexican blend if you have it.  I just used cheddar)
4 Large Flour or 8 Small Corn Tortillas
4 cups of shredded iceberg lettuce
Pico De Gallo
2 Avocados, sliced
1 Cup of Sour Cream

Start off by heating the beans and the enchilada sauce in sauce pans on low. While the beans are warming up slice the steak into small pieces.  Season the steak with the cilantro, cumin, garlic powder, salt and pepper. In a large pan heat up the vegetable oil till it is sizzling hot then add the steak.   Cook the steak on high heat, stir it up till it is browned on all sides (about 3-4 minutes). Once the steak is browned on all sides turn the heat down to medium high and then add the lime juice and let the steak simmer for 2 minutes.

Heat up the tortillas.  Garnish the plate with lettuce.  Fill each tortilla with steak, beans, cheese and enchilada sauce. (for corn tortillas use 2 overlapping tortillas.)  Put more enchilada sauce on the folded burrito and garnish with cheese.  To melt cheese stick it under a broiler for 1 minute or until cheese is melted. 

Finish off the plate by adding sour cream, pico de gallo and avocado.

The photo above is made with the corn tortillas.  Also I make the pico de gallo my self but you could use store bought.    This recipe has been requested by my wife 2 times since I first made it in the past several weeks.


Calories: 2371
Weight:  258.5 lbs
Mood: Not ready to go back to work.
Total Weight Lost: 6.5 lbs since 1/1/09

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Day 17 - Long Road

Today I kept thinking about how much further I still have to go.  It makes it seem like I will never get to the fitness level that I want to when I think about how long it will actually take to loose the 46 lbs and 12% of body fat that I need to lose.  But I need to keep soldiering on.   It is days like these that made me choose to blog.  When I get this way I can remeber that I have all my readers out there keeping me accountable and it helps me to pick up and renew my vigor.  Thanks for keeping me going.


Calories: 2319
Weight: 258.5 lbs
Mood:  Impatient
Total Weight Lost: 6.5 since 1/1/09

Friday, January 16, 2009

Day 16 - Fast Food Friday

Today was my second "cheat" day.  I decided I would give my "cheat" day a name so today has been christened "Fast Food Friday" ideally this is the day of the week that I can eat fast food if I am so inclined.  Today's fast food of choice was Taco Time.  It was of course delicious

Also, today I concluded my first full week of working out on my new plan.  I have been recording my workouts so I can keep track of my progress.  I will let you know in a few weeks how the plan is going.  So far this week it seemed to go well.

As a side note, I had to update my calories for yesterday.  I had forgotten to enter my breakfast into my food tracker and so I reported a bit low.  The blog has been corrected.


Calories: 3037
Weight: 258 lbs
Mood:  Glad it is Friday
Total Weight Lost: 7 lbs since 1/1/09

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Day 15 - Week 2 Results

Here are the results of my 2nd week on the plan:

  • Current weight: 257.5 lbs
  • Weight Lost This Week: 2 lbs
  • Total Weight Lost: 7.5lbs
  • Body Fat %: 29.5% (down .4% this week and .9% since 1/1/09)
  • Avg Calories Eaten Per Day: 2,695
  • Total Calories Burned: 25,865
  • Total Calories Eaten: 18,865
  • Calculated Daily Caloric Need: 3,695
  • # of Days I Worked Out: 3
Overall this was a very succesful week. I lost my target of 2lbs this week which is the amount of weight I would like to lose each week. Also my body fat % dropped a bit more as well which is always encouraging. It seems that my target of 2400 calories a day is working. Even though I was slightly over a couple of days I am able to stay on target in my eating. I am looking forward to seeing the results of a full week at the gym (4 workouts) and if that has any impact on the results. For the second week, which is always a hard one on the biggest loser, I am very satisfied with the results.


Calories: 2373
Weight: 57.5 lbs
Mood: Encouraged and still with the program.
Total Weight Lost: 7.5 lbs since 1/1/09

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Day 14 - Biggest Loser Week 2

Well last night was the biggest loser and though I am sad that some of the contestants had to go home for a time it does help us to get to know some of the other contestants better.  Overall this season's contestants seem a lot nicer than last seasons contestants and there is not all the game play that was going on before.  I enjoy watching the contestants root each other on this season and much prefer it over last season's feuds and bickering.  There are lots of people to root for this season which makes if fun to watch.   Here are some of the highlights for me:

  • During the temptation Joelle, from the gray team, should have taken the money.  She clearly is not wanting to give her all and she came dangerously close to being sent home with nothing.  She could have at least had her $25K and achieved some of her goals.  Now she has a big target on her back.
  • During the challenge Tara, from the green team, made her big break during the last stretch and won immunity and a phone call home.  Her pushing ahead to take the prize was a great moment by itself but she crowned it when she gave the phone call to Filipe, from the blue team, so he could call home instead.  This is the kind of encouragement I want to see each week.  Not the back stabbing and name calling from last season.
  • During the weigh in I felt the agony when Jerry, from the white team, only lost 1lb and was crushed up there on the scale.  He obviously worked so hard but just did not have it in him. It was touching to see that even Allison had a tear in her eye for the oldest contestant on the show.
  • And at the elimination I think the players made the right choice in sending home Jerry. Even though Daniel will likely be a bigger threat in the long run and this may have been the only chance to knock him out, all the players put aside game play and voted to keep the player that had the most to gain by staying on the show.  I think that is a great symbol of how different this seasons competitors are from last season. 
Over all I am glad to see that everyone is getting along.  It is refreshing to see how humble and aware of their needs (except maybe Joelle) these contestants are.  In time I am sure the game play will be on, and rightfully so, but for now it is refreshing to watch.


Calories: 2692
Weight:  258 lbs
Mood: Thinking "Why did I eat so much potato salad yesterday?"
Total Weight Lost: 7 lbs since 1/1/09

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Day 13 - Potato Salad

Well, if you have been paying attention to my daily stats then you will notice that today's calories are a tad bit higher than the 2400 calorie target I have been shooting for.  The main cause of this slight spike in caloric intake can be attributed to one thing....


Now, this is not just some store bought run of the mill potato salad here.  THis the good stuff. There is only one potato salad that is worth the calories and that is made right here in my very own kitchen.   Since no one wants to fall into temptation alone I have included the recipe below:


1 cup Best Foods Light Mayonnaise
2 Tablespoons dill pickle juice
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon sugar
1/4 teaspoon pepper
4 cups cooked, peeled, and cubed potatoes
2 medium dill pickles, chopped
2 hard boiled eggs, chopped
Chopped fresh dill

Mix the first fix ingrediants together.  Then add potatos, egg, and pickles.  Garnish with freshly chopped dill and enjoy!

I like to eat this fresh while it is still a little warm. It is very delicious.


Calories:  3365
Weight: 256.5
Mood: Glad to have lost a little more weight.
Total Weight Lost:   8.5 lbs lost since 1/1/09

Monday, January 12, 2009

Day 12 - Health Food Is Gross

In an effort to be more healthy I thought I would try to find a healty alternative to pita bread and tortillas.  In the deli section of my local grocery store there was a product called flat bread.  I have never been much of a wrap person.  I would not typically order a wrap at a restraunt or pick one up at the local grocery store.  However, I love Gyros and I have become quite attached to the Pita Pit that is several blocks up the street from where I work.  So in an attempt to shave some calories off of a pita and add some fiber to my diet I picked up a package of Flatout.

In the package Flatout looks good.  It is a soft flatbread that looks like it would make excellent wraps.    The package shows nice pictures of healty looking wraps and the products is supported by Oprah so it must be golden right?  WRONG!!!!  

These flatbreads have got to be some of the worst, if not the all time worst, bread I have ever eaten.  As I ate my flatbread at work today it was all I could to choke down the last bite.  The only reason I finished the sandwich was beause it was the only food I had taken with me that day and I did not want to let all the other sandwich fixen's go to waste. 

I have tried other health food such as Bally Nutrition Bars, Slim Fast Shakes and Wasa crakers and they have been ok.  Not the most flavorful and certianly not some thing I would crave, but the Flatout flatbread is outright disgusting.  So if you are in the deli section and want to try an alternative to plain old bread try the Pita bread or a tortilla.  Whatever you do just stay away from flat out.


Calories: 2403
Weight: 257 lbs
Mood:  Glad to have some real food for dinner
Total Weight Lost:  8 lbs since 1/1/09

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Day 11 - Just chillin'

I honestly don't have much to say today.   It was a pretty uneventful, though relaxing day.  For lunch made some mondo burritos, you can read about them on my wife's blog here. Some other day I will post the recipe though it is not really a "light" recipe.  This evening I am getting ready for my workout and work day tomorrow by prepping my gym bag and lunch/snacks and that really is the extent of it.


Calories: 2395
Weight: 257
Mood: Relaxed and ready for the work week.
Total Weight Lost:  8 lbs since 1/1/09

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day 10 - Workout Plans

It i s a good idea to have plans but when it comes to workouts they can be a double edged sword.  I have kind of stumbled into a work out plan that I think will work well for me.  I work out in the mornings before work which involves setting my alarm for 5:00am and hopefully rolling out of bed by quarter after or so.  My plan is to work out 4 days a week.  On Monday's and Thursdays I will do 45-50 minutes of cardio and on Tuesdays and Friday's I will do weights.  I tend to push myself pretty hard and so this schedule should allow me time to recover between workouts.  

The downside to plans is that they can become boring and a boring workout is one that does not get done.  It is nice to have the plan to see how much you have improved over time and to help you have focus on achieving specific goals but, for me working out is in general boring.  It is spending an hour of my time at the gym which is not something I find mentally stimulating to say the least but I think that this plan will work because it is simple and when you are working out early in the morning simple is good.

So it is my goal to do my workout plan for 8 weeks and try to see if I can get some measurable results.  Hopefully over that time I will notice my endurance and strength increase and maybe even loose a few extra pounds of fat.


Calories: 2405
Weight: 257 lbs
Mood: Still motivated.
Total Weight Lost: 8 lbs since 1/1/09

Friday, January 9, 2009

Day 9 - Cheat Day

Toady was my first cheat day.  On the biggest loser the contestants are allowed to have a cheat day after the weigh in to keep their metabolism up.  Of course for them it is because they are working out 6 hours a day 7 days a week and they are eating far fewer calories than I am.  But today i wanted to eat some Pizza, so I did.  And when i got home I had a healthy dinner of Macaroni and Cheese and Hot Dogs.  All in all I at enough calories today to maintain my current weight.  I did not gorge but I did not diet either.  The occassional cheat day makes the rest of the time bareable. 

On another note I have resumed my downward trend in weight as you will notice in my stats below.


Calories: 3450
Weight: 258
Mood: Glad to be heading in the right direction again.
Total Weight Lost: 7 lbs since 1/1/09