Yesterday, while I was working through a 4 inch stack of very tedious fleet upgrade invoices and
work orders, my boss came into my office and closed the door. At first I thought he was going to tell me
something bad or that they were getting ready to lay off some more workers ( a few people had been laid off recently which is kinda sad) however, instead he handed me a white envelope that looked
a lot like a pay stub and said something to the effect of "I know we had talked after you had gotten [the e-mail that said no one was getting bonuses except those who had signed an agreement back in February of 08] but I talked with Brent (his boss) and him and I both agree you are doing a great job so we pulled some strings and did some groveling and here is a bonus." This literally injected a shot of sunshine into my dreary paperwork filled day and came as a wonderful surprise.
I had pretty much assumed I would not be getting a bonus at all since A) the e-mail said you had to have a signed agreement from February, which I did not since I had only been with the company since September. And B) my boss pretty much told me that i would not get one, which I was OK with. Along with the bonus is some stock warrants which vest over the next few years.
I have to say that, in this economy and in these times I am truly blessed to have received anything and all and it really helped bolster my confidence in the job that i am doing. It is amazing how a pat on the back, some encouraging words, and something like and unexpected bonus can really bless someones day.
Calories: 3679
Weight: 249.5 lbs
Mood: Ecstatic that I got a bonus. Whoo Hoo!!!
Total Weight Lost: 15.5 lbs since 1/1/09
Congrats honey!! I'm proud of you.
Congratulations on the bonus.