Friday, January 2, 2009

Day 2 - Milestones

A major part of setting successful long term goals is being able to break them up into smaller goals. So in that light I am setting some milestones that I would like to reach as well as establishing the rewards I will grant myself when I reach them. There will be a mix of short term and long term milestones as well as different types such as lbs lost, body fat %, and physical activity.


  • Lose 10lbs - Reward: Buy new Orson Scott Card book Ender in Exile
  • Reduce body fat % by 5% - Reward: Buy portable DVD player or a new Zune MP3 player
  • Reduce weight by 10% (26.5 lbs) - Reward: UNDECIDED
  • Reach Goal Weight of 220lbs - Reward: Buy a new high end home entertainment system
  • Reach Goal Body Fat % of 18% - Reward: UNDECIDED

These are just my starter milestones. I will add more throughout the year as I think of them. Also I will add rewards as things that motivate me come up. I am trying to stay away from food oriented rewards for obvious reasons.


Calories: 2382
Weight: 263
Mood: Glad to have had another successful day.
Total Weight Lost: 2 lbs since 1/1/09

1 comment:

  1. Sweet, you like Orson Scott Card too? He's my favorite author. I think I have more than 35 of his books.
